Quick Response and Results with a Track Record to show
Atlanta Process Servers has been serving the Greater Atlanta area since 2009 with measurable success with our dispossessory service. We pride ourselves on a deep tradition of excellence, ensuring only the highest quality service. We understand the challenges and pressure that comes with every case and are here for you, every step of the way.
Whether you have one case or hundreds to serve we are the solution to your problem. The service timeline is important when serving eviction notices and we typically are able to pick up same day and serve with rapid filing within twenty-four hours. Call Atlanta Process Servers today to see the difference in our serves. We also offer move out service for the property that needs to be displaced as well as references to preferred partners that will work with you to accommodate the situation and get the property back up and ready to place on the market ASAP.
Dependable, calm, and well spoken, our team of legal professionals add the personal touch our clients deserve whilst approaching each new case with the attention it needs. Get in touch with us today.